2019 Scarlet Sails Festivity

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Scarlet Sails 2019

The most romantic school graduation ceremony took place in St Petersburg on June, 23. The name of the event comes from a story by a Russian writer Green. A girl called Assol was foretold that her prince would come to her by a ship with red sails. The one that fell in love with her made her dream come true: he bought silk and built such a ship. The story of unfailing faith, impossible dream, about a miracle each one of us can make for the ones we love became the symbol of school graduation ceremony of our city. This year 33000 school graduates and 1.5 million spectators came to see the new brig “Russia” built especially for the ceremony. Watch the video and feel young, capable of everything, like the whole world is at your feet which means you can always achieve anything you really want