Aivazovsky. The sea was his life

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A temporary exhibition of the Russian artist Ivan Aivazovsky has opened in Russian Museum. 250 painttings are on display. Many of them are demonstrated to the public for the first time. Besides the paintings you can see personal belongings of the artist on display. 

Aivazovsky is definitely the most outstanding artist of Armenian origin in the 19th century. Mostly he is famous for his stunning seascapes. Unlike impressionists who depicted nature in plein-air, Aivazovsky made sketches from nature and then created large-scale canvases in his workshop. Nobody has ever depicted sea like Aivazovsky. The moonlight reflected on the water or the sun lost in the clouds were often shown in his paintings too. He could choose any subject for his creations but always took it as an excuse to paint his favorite waves. One of his paintings is called Napoleon on the island of St. Helena. Most of the canvas is taken up by the sea with just a tiny figure of Napoleon.

Being the official artist of the Chief Marine Staff, Aivazovsky created a number of depictions of sea battles. Sometimes his works on this subject are called the Chronicles of deeds of the Russian Navy.

“The sea was his life, it was part of him,” – said Vladimir Gusev, the head of the Russian Museum.

The artist was constantly working. He drew on napkins, in his workshop nonstop. All in all he created about 6000 works, maybe even more.
This natural disaster will last up to the end of March, 2017. At the exhibition you will be able to see any weather and period of day at sea.