Halloween 2015 in St Petersburg

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This Saturday is one of the most mysterious and popular holidays of the year. It is the time for Halloween. Though it was originally a western holiday, nowadays more and more people in Russia are also joining in for the celebrations.

Actually, the tradition of dressing up in Russia is not that new. At Christmas time young Russians, especially in villages, would dress up and go around the settlement, visiting homes of other people and singing songs. It was customary that they were rewarded with different treats. It was also very traditional at this time to tell fortunes. No wonder that Halloween found so many followers in Russia.

This weekend there will be plenty of events in St Petersburg devoted to Halloween.

Starting from 12 p.m. in the Zoo of St Petersburg the Festival of Pumpkins is taking place. Animals will be specially fed with pumpkins and there will be master classes how to carve a Jack-o-lantern.

In the park named after Babushkin (Obukhovskoi oborony prospect, 149) a “Festival of the glowing pumpkins” will be held on October, 30th and 31st at 7 p.m. Both the citizens and the guests of St Petersburg are more than welcome! In the program there will be a fire show, a carnival and an exhibition of pumpkins.

And one more event called the Zombie Walk St Petersburg will take place at 8 p.m. on Saturday. It will be a combination of a flash mob and a team quest. The organizers claim that the final of that quest will be quite unusual!

So have fun – and Happy Halloween!