Hat Exhibition at Erarta Museum

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Starting from February 6th in Erarta Museum, which is the largest museum of contemporary arts in Russia, a new exhibition of hats by world famous designer Philip Treacy called “Hats in the 21st century” will be open for viewing. More than one hundred different hats will be on display including 75 which belonged to various monarchs (many clients of the designer are part of the British royal family), stars of show business (such as Madonna), and other celebrities

What makes the works of this designer extraordinary is the fact that he experiments with various shapes, colors, and materials. Among his creations there are hats in the form of a swan, the head of a horse, a carousel, a butterfly, a spiral, a telephone, and even an ashtray with a cigarette!

In addition, on February 7th inside the Erarta Museum a special meeting with Philip Treacy will take place where visitors will be able not only to speak with the famous designer but also choose a hat for yourself.

The Erarta Museum in St Petersburg can be added to any of our St Petersburg Tours or shore excursions.