UK-Russia Year of Culture

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It is true that summer is the best time to visit St Petersburg. Summer makes the city brighter with the blue sky, flowers in the gardens, and local people smiling. To feel yourself in real paradise the local authorities have organised the 7th festival called “Imperial Gardens.” It is traditionally held in June at the Mikhailovsky Garden, situated in the very heart of the city behind the State Russian Museum. This year it will be dedicated to the UK-Russia Year of Culture. The festival is carried out under the patronage of Princess Michael of Kent.

About sixty floral arrangements will be created by Russian and foreign landscape gardeners. At the end of the festival the jury will choose winners in three categories – ”Traditions of the English garden”, ”Gardens of the great and famous people”, ”Gardens of imagination.”

During the festival guests will see arrangements representing Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, English castles, and the British flag. Other compositions were inspired by Russian history and include ”The garden of Anna Pavlova” and ”St Petersburg Gardens”.

This event gained great popularity since its creation in 2008. At that time about 50 thousand visitors came to enjoy this oasis of freshness and beauty. In 2013 this number doubled and this year it is anticipated that these figures will be surpassed.

James Bond lovers will get a special exhibition – Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style at Moscow Multimedia Art Museum. There will also be showcases of Russian culture throughout the UK.

Come enjoy the UK-Russia Year of Culture as part of our St Petersburg Tours.